Una experiencia didáctica centrada en actividades de pre-traducción en torno a referencias culturales en textos literarios
Universidad de Granada
ISSN: 2174-047X, 2254-1756
Year of publication: 2016
Issue: 6
Pages: 211-226
Type: Article
More publications in: Estudios de traducción
This article outlines a teaching experience in the lecture room of “Translation 3 C French” of the B.A. in Translation and Interpretation of the University of Granada. The experience develops from pre-translation activities related to the analysis-comprehension phase of the translation process. That is to say, translation itself does not constitute the end of the course. The course places an emphasis on previous assignments, which, due to a lack of time, are overlooked in certain translation courses. Cultural references are at the center of the study. They are analyzed in three sources: a Spanish version of a scientific draft originally in English; a translated version of a free adaptation of a play; and a French translation of the play.
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