La visió de la societat feudal de l'època de Felip II de França (1180-1223) a través de les cançons de gestael cas de Raoul de Cambrai
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
ISSN: 2466-7757
Year of publication: 2022
Issue Title: Miscel·lània
Issue: 7
Pages: 153-174
Type: Article
More publications in: Langue(s) & Parole: revista de filología francesa y románica
The objective of this paper is to shown how a chanson de geste (in our case, Raoul de Cambrai), whose action in situated in the Carolingian age, reflects the reaction of the 12th century feudal lords regarding an expansive royal power. We will see how the chansons de geste could have been perceived as accurate historical texts. The wide circulation of these poems could have made of them a kind of alternative view opposed to the chronicles official history. We comment on the vision of the royal figure in the different cycles of the chansons de geste and we examine the historical background of Raoul de Cambrai. Next, we study the links between the chanson de geste and the vassalage links. We analyze the relationship between Raoul de Cambrai and the time of his writing and deal with two important questions: the principle of solidarity based on the lineage and the perception of the fief as a hereditary property. This article is written with a didactic purpose: to serve as a support text for the writing of coursework in the framework of a subject of French medieval literature for undergraduate students.
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