Creencias y prácticas de los docentes de traducción en torno a la evaluaciónestudio exploratorio

  1. Cañada Pujols, Maria Dolors 1
  2. Andújar Moreno, Gemma 1
  1. 1 Universitat Pompeu Fabra

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra

    Barcelona, España


TRANS: revista de traductología

ISSN: 1137-2311 2603-6967

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 27

Pages: 215-231

Type: Article

More publications in: TRANS: revista de traductología


Assessment plays a key role in teaching and learning processes, but studies on this topic in translation teaching are still scarce. This exploratory case study addresses the beliefs and teaching practices of a group of teachers at a Spanish university regarding assessment. Qualitative interviews were the data collection instrument used. The results show that translation teaching in this context responds to an established classroom dynamic, the means of assessment are not varied, and the exam is still almost essential. Summative assessment is widespread, whereas the formative component is limited, also due to certain contextual constraints. These results point to the need to delve into this line of research, since the elements likely to improve translation teaching can only be defined on the basis of their prior description.

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