La deconstrucción del cuento popular en Revolting Rhymes de Roald Dahl y la traducción de sus rasgos posmodernos al francés y al castellano

  1. 1 Universidad Católica San Antonio

    Universidad Católica San Antonio

    Murcia, España


  2. 2 Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

    Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

    Madrid, España


Hikma: estudios de traducción = translation studies

ISSN: 1579-9794

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 21

Issue: 2

Pages: 179-209

Type: Article

More publications in: Hikma: estudios de traducción = translation studies


Revolting Rhymes (1982) by Roald Dahl is an atypical work of children’s literature in which the Welsh writer updated and rewrote six traditional folk tales in both form and content. This paper aims to evince the postmodern features of Revolting Ryhmes and the way in which they contribute to reach the communicative purpose of the literary work. The second objective of this work is to analyse if two of the most significant postmodern features (the cultural update and the variety of language registers) are also present in the Spanish and French translations. To do so, two descriptive and contrastive translation studies were carried out to analyse the translation of those features in the target texts in French and Spanish based on the proposal of translation techniques of Molina and Hurtado (2002).

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