La escolarización femenina en Áfricala visión de las escritoras
Universidad de Cádiz
ISSN: 1139-9368, 1989-8193
Year of publication: 2022
Issue Title: Dossier monographique : « L’humain et l’animal ès lettres. Perspectives littéraires sur la frontière humain-animal, une limite (in)franchissable ? »
Volume: 37
Issue: 1
Pages: 111-117
Type: Article
More publications in: Thélème: Revista complutense de estudios franceses
During the colonial domination of the black continent, schools played a decisive role, being an active agent for the so well known “civilising mission” of the local population. Despite being a topic that is widely studied by historians and literary critics in Africa, there is a lack of research on the cultural and identity clash that the access to schools had for the female population. In this study we will analyse and give voice to this forgotten past of history. To do so we will take into account the few works dealing with the matter and will employ the first literary works written by women in Africa.
Bibliographic References
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