Nomadismo y cosmopolitismo como elementos dinamizadores del imaginario de Maryse Condé
ISSN: 0213-2958
Year of publication: 2015
Issue Title: Lingüística francesa
Issue: 23
Pages: 215-231
Type: Article
More publications in: Anales de filología francesa
The development and scale that the narrative space reaches in the work of Maryse Condé, reveal an interesting part of the imagination of this remarkable Guadeloupean author. We therefore, propose a descriptive analysis of the stories that in a signifcant way ft into to the question of the evolution of this space and consequently build up an interesting nomadic profle linked to the characters. In order to help us visualize this idea of movement, we propose a series of schematic maps that represent these tours with the last one depicting a synthesis of the author’s itinerary of life. From the observation of the diferent steps that she undertakes, including diverse geographical locations, the close relationship between her life and the universality of her work can be confrmed. This has allowed us to dedicate the last part of our work to the study of a certainly cosmopolitan dimension which seems to shape her characters’ life trajectories as well as their consciousness.
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