Los textos enoturísticosposibilidad de explotación en el aula de traducción y en la adquisición del francés con fines específicos
Universidad de Sevilla
ISSN: 2171-6633
Argitalpen urtea: 2018
Zenbakia: 10
Orrialdeak: 95-109
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Estudios franco-alemanes: revista internacional de traducción y filología
Wine tourism is one of the branches of tourism that has generated most interest in recent years. It is a type of tourism that takes wine as a central element and articulates a whole series of activities around it. Therefore, in this paper, it is intended to make an approach to the enotourist discourse in French and see the possibilities it presents in learning French applied to translation of tourist texts and French for specific purposes, particularly thanks to the abundance of terminology from different disciplines such as wine tasting, oenology, tourism and economics.