El "Refranero multilingüe" del Instituto Cervantesla didáctica y lasTIC como referentes en el estudio de las paremias gallegas

  1. Conde Tarrío, Germán
Unidades fraseológicas y TIC
  1. González Rey, María Isabel (coord.)

Editorial: Instituto Cervantes

ISBN: 978-84-695-6413-4

Año de publicación: 2012

Tipo: Capítulo de Libro


This aim of this work is to study the Galician Paremias in the database Refranero multilingüe, published on the Cervantes Virtual Center (Cervantes Institute) website, in order to approach it to the teaching of the galician language and culture, especially in High School. The Refranero multilingüe has about 1600 galician paremias entries, which constitutes an important material to be exploited in the high school classroom. The actual pupils� interests ask that the memorization pedagogy is abandoned and substituted by a kind of learning in which students should interact in the classroom. The didactic materials and Information and CommunicationTechnologies (ICT) can be the central axis for this actual learning process is based, since an important part of their formation depends on the student. The inclusion of paremias in the classroom can increase the pupils� motivation.