La metáfora como fuente de creación léxica en el lenguaje publicitario del turismo en francés y en español
ISSN: 1699-4949
Year of publication: 2014
Issue: 10
Pages: 305-318
Type: Article
More publications in: Çédille: Revista de Estudios Franceses
The aim of the present work is to analyse metaphors as a source of lexical and phraseological creation in the field of tourism language from a French-Spanish contrastive perspective. This analysis is carried out from the observation of a corpus on institutional advertising of tourist products in the field of beauty and health tourism. The conformation of conceptual metaphors will be described within the framework of cognitive semantics, for taking into account pragmatic factors: the cultural and discursive context in which the expressions are used, knowledge of the world and the crystallization of values in the consciousness of the speakers with the same cultural identity. Conclusions show that the modes of metaphorical and metonymical conceptualization and categorization are productive sources of lexical creation both in French and Spanish, and that certain regularity in the usage in both linguistic modalities has been observed.
Bibliographic References
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