Ires Journées Interfacultaires sur la recherche scientifique en français(Sciences humaines, sociales, scientifico-techniques et biosanitaires; FraLIC) : Actes : 15-17 novembre 2022, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Espagne

  1. Aránzazu Gil Casadomet ed. lit.
  2. Irene Atalaya Fernández ed. lit.

Editorial: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad de Extremadura

ISBN: 978-84-9127-241-0

Any de publicació: 2024

Congrés: Journées interfacultaires sur la recherche scientifique en français (1. 2022. Madrid)

Tipus: Llibre


The 1st Interfaculty Conference on Scientific Research in the French Area (Human, Social, Scientific-Technical and Biosanitary Sciences; FraLIC; combines French, as a language of the Humanities, with scientific thought. The use of one language allows us to delve deeper into scientific thinking as and as reflected by the French mathematician Laurent Lafforgue (2002) "Aujourd'hui on fait des mathématiques partout de la même façon, elles n'ont plus la même profondeur, il manque la pensee. Ce défaut de thoughte est très lié à la perte linguistique Les mathématiciens sont formés comme des techniciens, et non plus aux humanités.” Although the English language occupies an undisputed place today for scientific dissemination, French personalities such as the academic Barbara Cassin, the biologist Jean-Claude Ameisen and the physicist Étienne Klein defended linguistic diversity in Science during a colloquium organized by the minister of la Culture and the network of Organismes francophones de politique et d'aménagement linguistiques (OPALE) in November 2019. Their plea promotes guaranteeing a space for multilingualism of thought and redefining the objectives to ensure scientific discourse in the French language. The 1st FraLIC Conference and the publication of their oral contributions have had and have the purpose of creating a space for scientific communication aimed at young researchers who maintain the French language in common as the language of scientific expression. In this way, the aim is to promote mutual knowledge and cooperation between established researchers and young researchers who use French in their research, and/or work and research in French-speaking contexts.