L’acquisition des pronoms personnels par des apprenants de FLE hispanophones

  1. Arévalo Benito, María José
  2. Ruiz de Zarobe, Leyre
Çédille: Revista de Estudios Franceses

ISSN: 1699-4949

Any de publicació: 2024

Títol de l'exemplar: Çédille 25 (primavera de 2024)

Número: 25

Pàgines: 229-257

Tipus: Article

DOI: 10.25145/J.CEDILLE.2024.25.10 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Altres publicacions en: Çédille: Revista de Estudios Franceses


The acquisition of personal pronouns in French as a foreign language (FFL) is one of the key points in the learning of French grammar. In order to study this aspect, we have we have compiled the written production of Spanish-speaking speakers of FFL. The results show that these speakers acquire the personal pronoun system at different at different stages in the learning process in the following order: firstly, they acquire the subject pronouns, secondly the tonic pronouns, then the atonic pronouns, and lastly the pronouns en/y, these results are in line with the studies carried out on the acquisition of personal pronouns in FLE. Linguistic competence is also significant in the acquisition of this grammatical point.

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