Atributos únicos de la imagen de destino turístico: análisis cualitativo en español de la serie “Destinos” de Turespaña

  1. José-María Castellano-Martínez 1
  2. María Rosario González-Rodríguez 2
  1. 1 Universidad de Córdoba / Universidad de Sevilla
  2. 2 Universidad de Sevilla

    Universidad de Sevilla

    Sevilla, España


Itinerarios: revista de estudios lingüisticos, literarios, históricos y antropológicos

ISSN: 1507-7241

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 38

Pages: 255-272

Type: Article

DOI: 10.7311/ITINERARIOS.38.2023.13 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Itinerarios: revista de estudios lingüisticos, literarios, históricos y antropológicos


Tourism is a social practice field whose global communication situation generates specific oral and written communicative acts. The tourist promotional discourse of this context appears, among others, in texts aimed at inciting consumption through a tourist destination image. The main objective of this paper is to define the unique attributes of Spanish destinations in the tourist brochure series “Destinos” by the Instituto de Turismo de España (Turespaña). The research method consists of a qualitative analysis of the promotional tourist texts in the corpus through the Nvivo software. For the extraction of attributes, methodological parameters are established in order to define lexical-semantic units of an attributive value. Within the framework of this research, denominations (unique, common, gross and golden attribute) are proposed to contribute to the metalanguage of this issue. The analysis shows that the results are disparate among the different destinations in terms of frequency of appearance, conceptual category, position and value. A classification of the attributive value of each destination’s unique attribute is established and it is concluded that the attributive issue of the tourist destination image projected by Turespaña reaffirms usual topics of the analyzed destinations, which suggests a conservative character in the promotional communication of this organism.

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