Le mandat et les stratégies de traducction dans un texte spécialisé du xixe siècleentre la situación académique et la pratique professionnelle

  1. Cunillera Domènech, Montserrat
  2. Rey Vanin, Joëlle
Quaderns: Revista de traducció

ISSN: 1138-5790

Year of publication: 2011

Issue: 18

Pages: 233-247

Type: Article

More publications in: Quaderns: Revista de traducció


This article presents a situation in which students in their fourth year of Translation Studies worked on a real translation project as professionals. The text to be translated was Essai sur les signes inconditionnels dans l�art (1827), a specialised book on art written by the Dutch artist H. de Superville. One of the reasons for undertaking such a project was to analyse from a functionalist perspective the difficulties that the students had to face, the solutions they proposed and the strategies they used in order to comply with the instructions given by the commissioner. The decisions they made brought to light the need to find a balance between foreignization and domestication, two basic translation strategies difficult to combine.

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