L' ethos politique sur Twitterquatre cas français et espagnols.
Universidad de Almería
- Méndez Robles, Pedro Salvador (coord.)
- Meseguer Paños, Elena (coord.)
ISSN: 0213-2958
Argitalpen urtea: 2023
Zenbakien izenburua: Le petit et le bref : approches discursives diverses.
Zenbakia: 31
Orrialdeak: 771-785
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Anales de filología francesa
The discourse on Twitter has shown that the transmission of information, opinions, and values is not proportional to the length of that discourse. The microblogging platform integrates other techno-discursive éléments (Paveau, 2013) that expand the message and go beyond a purely logocentric approach. In political discourse, both men and women have become prominent users of this social media platform. This paper provides an analysis of the discourse of four top-ranking figures in French and Spanish politics : the two current presidents (Emmanuel Macron and Pedro Sánchez) and the two opposition leaders (Marine Le Pen and Alberto Núñez Feijóo). Drawing from a corpus of tweets published by these public figures on their official personal accounts over the same perior, our methodological approach aims to decipher how these political figures outline their public image (ethos), the similarities and differences between them.
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