Impact of tourist bonds as a reactivation of tourism in the community of Madrid

  1. Carmen Hernando Vivar
  2. Laura Vidal Serrano
  3. Lorenza Berlanga de Jesús
  4. Rosa María Touris López
Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research: JTHR

ISSN: 2659-3580

Year of publication: 2023

Volume: 6

Issue: 1

Pages: 158-192

Type: Article

More publications in: Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research: JTHR


The reactivation of the tourism sector is one of the main concerns in Spain. The contribution of this sector to Spanish GDP fell from 12.4% before the pandemic to 5.5% in 2020. In 2021 it began its recovery, reaching 7.4% (Hosteltur and Statista). In the Community of Madrid, tourism vouchers have been and are an instrument for the recovery of the sector (which is also used in other Communities), and it is relevant to analyse how they are effectively having an impact on the reactivation of the sector. The impact in the first year, after the confinement and recession of the sector, was positive. Therefore, the objective of this research focuses on analysing the economic repercussion and impact of tourist vouchers as a pricing strategy to promote tourism in the Autonomous Community of Madrid (2021-2022). A mixed qualitative and quantitative methodology is applied, describing the characteristics and consequences of these tourist packages, simultaneously using the survey as an instrument for measuring the value of this tool. Different options offered by tourist vouchers and applied technologies are examined (exploratory analysis), the influence of these vouchers on the reactivation of the tourism sector is determined (explanatory analysis) and the evolution of these vouchers in recent years is studied (longitudinal analysis). Surveys are used to evaluate how the different agents value this tool. All of this is part of the new forms of tourism as an adaptation to the sustainability of the sector, proposing lines of improvement and strategies that allow for its further development.

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