Audiodescrição como ferramenta de acessibilidade em contexto de teatro em Portugal

  1. Sanches Alves Santiago, Sandra Maria
Supervised by:
  1. Xoán Manuel Montero Domínguez Director

Defence university: Universidade de Vigo

Fecha de defensa: 13 May 2022

  1. Carlos Castilho Pais Chair
  2. Ana Luna Alonso Secretary
  3. Laura Santamaria Committee member

Type: Thesis


Equal opportunities for accessing and enjoying cultural products, namely, theatre for people with visual impairment, still remain a utopia in Portugal. Despite the efforts and contributions of some, it appears that most producers and theatre companies are not yet fully aware of the importance of access to culture for all citizens. In Portugal, audio description is a recent phenomenon and, despite its slow development, it is starting to show positive results. The promotion of accessibility is an essential condition for the full exercise of equality and citizenship rights enshrined in the Portuguese Constitution. The aim of this research project is to observe, analyse and evaluate audio description services in qualitative terms in the context of theatre in Portugal. The growing popularity and expansion of Audiovisual Translation in recent decades, as well as its major socio-cultural function, is indeed quite remarkable. Audio description has firmly established itself as a form of Audiovisual Translation and, over the course of this project, its development and creation process will be analysed in the specific context of the theatre. Special attention will be devoted to the target users of audio description since it is essential to know the needs and expectations of the target audience and their perception to reception, as well as the emotional impact of this resource on the main recipient. In addition to a review of existing literature and of the position of Audio Description within the scope of Translation Studies and Audiovisual Translation, a qualitative analysis of the Audio Description services offered in a theatre context will be established, interviews will be conducted with audio descriptors, visually impaired people and audio description consultants, and a survey will be conducted in order to determine the level of satisfaction reported by the main users of this inclusive service, as well as the effectiveness of audio description reception, and to evaluate its effect as an accessibility tool. Audio description is a valuable inclusive tool, fostering autonomy, freedom and equality based on valuing diversity.