Cómo trabajar la expresión oral en un curso de FLE con el cuestionariode Moodle

  1. López-Simó, Mireia
Transformando la educación a través del conocimiento
  1. Esteve-Faubel, José-María (coord.)
  2. Fernández-Sogorb, Aitana (coord.)
  3. Martinez-Roig, Rosabel (coord.)
  4. Alvarez-Herrero, Juan-Francisco (coord.)

Publisher: Octaedro

ISBN: 978-84-19506-73-3

Year of publication: 2022

Pages: 699-707

Type: Book chapter


Since Spanish universities have incorporated Moodle into the university context, there have been many scientific educational works on the use of this technological tool to support teaching. This article shows a different way of using this digital platform in a Higher Education subject inside and outside the classroom, not as a support for face-to-face classes but as an integral part of the teaching-learning process. Specifically, what is presented here is an example of the application of a Moodle activity as a resource for working on oral expression in a practical French as a foreign language (FLE) class, aimed at first-year students of the degree in translation and interpreting. Firstly, the methodological approach used is defined and the way in which face-tofaceand non-face-to-face classes are articulated using the same technological environment is explained. Secondly, it presents the use made in the classroom of this virtual teaching-learning environment to work on oral interaction, by means of an example of one of the many applications offered by this technological mediation.