La titrología al servicio de la didáctica de la traducción, combinación idiomáticafrancés/español

  1. Lydia Vázquez Jiménez
  2. Juan Manuel Ibeas Altamira
Ikastorratza, e-Revista de didáctica

ISSN: 1988-5911

Year of publication: 2022

Issue: 29

Type: Article

More publications in: Ikastorratza, e-Revista de didáctica


This article addresses the study of titles (“titrologie”) and its practical application to classrooms. Here we propose a didactic approach to the translation of literary works prioritizing student's self-reliance and ability to manage the process. The educational experience is based in group-learning of specific problem solving: the translation and sharing of a selection of titles from French and francophone works coming from all periods and latitudes, whether already translated or not, and based on different natures and degrees of difficulty.