La evaluación inter pares y el uso del vídeo como herramienta de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la didáctica de francés
Universitat de València
ISSN: 1133-4770, 2530-0075
Year of publication: 2022
Issue: 55
Pages: 27-41
Type: Article
More publications in: Lenguaje y textos
In this project, we intend to explore video as an evaluation tool with great potential in the foreign language classroom. The main objective is for the students, future teachers of French in secondary education, to use two different forms of evaluation to compare them with each other. Starting from the oral presentations of a didactic sequence for French, which are recorded on video, our students had to evaluate them using a rubric designed specifically for it. Subsequently, once the videos had been viewed, the class had to review their evaluations, and if necessary, modify them. In this qualitative study, we analyzed the different evaluations, as well as an online questionnaire that the students completed at the end of the project, which aimedto determine the advantages and disadvantages perceived by the students when using the video in their evaluation. Video recordings are an interesting evaluation instrument, especially in foreign languages, since they have allowed a greater awareness of errors unnoticed in the first evaluation. Thus, the students have reconsidered their previous evaluation, introducing changes in the items related to oral expression. However, the evaluation of the content has not changed substantially after viewing.
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