"Tu trembles, carcasse"… Jorge Semprún y la vivencia de la tortura
ISSN: 0211-0547
Year of publication: 2021
Tome: 50
Pages: 133-145
Type: Article
More publications in: Cuadernos de investigación filológica
Jorge Semprún is one of the key figures of the 20th century, not only for his protagonism in the different historical events of the time, but also for the great artistic and testimonial legacy that he left with his extensive work. Although there are many studies concerning his experience in exile, in Nazis concentration camps or in the fight against Franco, this article aims to address a less well-known aspect: the experience of torture. Through his latest work, Exercices de survie (2012), key elements will be studied such as the difference between abstract knowledge and experience, the revolt and independence of the body and the importance of fraternity, a great source of strength.
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