Marie Rattazzi (née Marie-Lætitia Bonaparte-Wyse) traductricele cas du Grand Galeoto de José Echegaray

  1. Francisco Lafarga
Synergies Espagne

ISSN: 1961-9359

Argitalpen urtea: 2019

Zenbakia: 12

Orrialdeak: 17-28

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Synergies Espagne


This article deals with the activity of Marie Rattazzi as a translator, in particular of novels and plays from Portuguese and Spanish. Less known nowadays than some of her contemporaries, she was a prolific author and an active journalist, founder of several magazines, the most important of which is Les Matinées Espagnoles (continued by the Nouvelle Revue Internationale). Her cosmopolitan character is reflected in her publications, in particular in the magazines, where translation occupies an important place, although it is not always visible or confessed. The main interest of this article is focused on the version of the drama El gran Galeoto by José Echegaray : after the contextualization of the translation in its historical moment and its relationship with other versions carried out by the author, focus is then shifted to the analysis of the text, taking into account the treatment of the theatrical matter and the translator’s options.