Lengua e identidad en el tejido ficcional de Hadia Decharrièreel ejemplo de Arabe.

  1. Ana Belén Soto 1
  1. 1 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR https://ror.org/01cby8j38

Tonos digital: revista de estudios filológicos

ISSN: 1577-6921

Year of publication: 2021

Issue: 40

Type: Article

More publications in: Tonos digital: revista de estudios filológicos


Contemporary Francophone literature is profoundly influenced by migratory flows in the European context. This fosters a literary scenario that reflects, therefore, a wide of writings inspired by the deterritorialization phenomenon and the feeling of rootlessness. In this context, there have been many writers, either immigrants or exiles, who have settled in France and have adopted French as a language of literary expression. The existential quest for the identity essence of these authors expresses the evolution of a new intercultural identity model. Such is the case of Hadia Decharrière, a writer born in Kowait to Syrian parents who has lived herd childhood between France, Syria and the United States. Hadia Decharrière is inscribed, therefore, in the context of Francophone xenographs in modern Europe. Author of two novels, Grande Section published in 2018 and Arabe published a year later, Hadia Decharrière presents a narrative project of autofictional inspiration in which she reflects on the process of identity construction and linguistic belonging. In the present article, we propose to analyze her second novel, in which the author places linguistic belonging at the epicenter of identity construction.

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