De l’importance des “sommets syllabiques vides” dans la formation de la langue française

  1. Bretos Bórnez, Jesús
  2. Tejedor de Felipe, Didier
Anales de filología francesa

ISSN: 0213-2958

Any de publicació: 2017

Títol de l'exemplar: Questions de genre: pensées de la différence

Número: 25

Pàgines: 249-272

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Anales de filología francesa


In our model (Declarative Phonology), a state of the language is described, diachronically, as the addition of n parametrical variations (Pn ). A parameter has to be understood as variable value through which the features of one or several elements are explained in the system of a language. In this sense, the parametrical modifcation: empty nucleus? Yes → No active in the beginning of the galloroman age, occasioned a series of changes that altered deeply the structure of the language on the signifer level in the formation of the French language: the diphthongation, the vocalic nasalization, the production of consonantal groups of secondary formation (‘double attacks’) and the schwa, among the most relevant. In this article, we analyse the formation of the so-called diphthongs ‘of coalescence’ and the formation of consonantal groups of secondary formation, leaving the analysis of other processes of change for future publications.

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