Dire « le Nulle-Part ». Topologie et temporalité de la migration dans /Là où il fait si clair en moi/ de Tanella Boni

  1. Ninanne, Dominique
Çédille: Revista de Estudios Franceses

ISSN: 1699-4949

Year of publication: 2022

Issue: 21

Pages: 161-179

Type: Article

More publications in: Çédille: Revista de Estudios Franceses


This contribution focus on Là où il fait si clair en moi(2017), a poetic work by Ivorian philosopher and author Tanella Boni (1954). Its purpose is to consider the issue of dwelling, using the concept of nowhere, which builds the exile experience. For this, we shall analyse the spatial and temporal motives of the book, which reveal some dimensions of being stranger, that we shall highlight by the reflexion of the anthropologist Michel Agier. On the other hand, we shall focus on the development, at the heart of the nowhere, of the resistant subjectivity of the exiles, which represents a genuine way of dwelling the world. The study of Là où il fait si clair en moi, put intoperspective withHabiter selon Tanella Boni(2018), enables to approach writer’s cosmopolitan view. Keywords:Ivorian poetry, exile, dwelling, cosmopolitanism.

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