Traducción al español de Le voyageur d ` Europe où sont le voyage d`Espagne et de Portugal, de Albert Jouvin de Rochefort acompañada del correspondientes análisis traductológico

  1. Bernal Fernandez, Concepcion
Supervised by:
  1. María Dolores Espinosa Sansano Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 24 June 2016

  1. Fernando Navarro Domínguez Chair
  2. Jerónimo Martínez Cuadrado Secretary
  3. Maribel Peñalver Vicea Committee member

Type: Thesis


ABSTRACT Travel stories are a rather recent genre of literature. Less than thirty years ago historians considered it just a corpus for recording purposes; It was disregarded by literary critics, considering it either as mere second-rate works of a writer or the product of an eccentric mind. Therefore, a vast array of such literature is still in search of deserved recognition. From this starting point, the present project has focused on the rescue of the life and work of Mr Albert Jouvin de Rochefort, worthy of greater praise in the genre of travel literature. The main objective of this dissertation will be, first of all, the translation into Spanish of the first volume of the second book of Le voyageur d'Europe où sont les voyages de France, d'Italie et de Malthe, d'Espagne et de Portugal, des Pays Bas, d'Allemagne et de Pologne, d'Angleterre, de Danemark et de Suède de Albert Jouvin de Rochefort. Edited by Mr Denis Thierry, Paris, 1672, titled Le voyageur D'Europe où sont les voyages d'Espagne et de Portugal. Closely linked to this first objective is the second, that is, a public acknowledgment of the significance of this author, and his works who had been ignored and forgotten. From this starting point, our research has focused on the recognition of the man and the author, Mr Albert Jouvin de Rochefort, who deserved a higher status in the genre of travel literature. The translation of this work, which had not been previously translated into Spanish, is presented here together with a translation study that covers our proposed translation. In doing so, the three main methodological approaches on translation have been studied: the theory of sense-for-sense, Nida and Taber's dynamic equivalence and, finally, the literal translation approach, which claims that both the form and the text of the original text and connected to the message. As far as the actual translation is concerned, the translation philosophy of Antonie Berman and his systematic method of textual analyses and deforming trends has been followed. This translation study includes the method used to translate this work into Spanish as well as certain key reflections to understand the concept of travel literature. Therefore, this research project presents a study of the French language and spelling in the 17th century. This will allow us to both classify Mr de Rochefort's style within his age and to compare his work with the works of the main authors of travel literature in the 17th century. The conclusions achieved in this dissertation can be classified in three different sections: Regarding the translation of Mr Jouvin de Rochefort's work, it can be assured that the literal translation is a highly difficult endeavour, which ought to be guided by a set of universal and ethical principles. Yet there can be no systematic appliance of such translation style due to the variable nature of any work written in prose. Concerning the study of the work within the frame of travel literature, this is a hybrid genre close to genres such as chronicles or memoirs. Formally speaking, these texts appear with a wide morphological variety, from epistolary to novel and poetry. The goal is to bring joy and amusement to the readers tired of works of excessive literary complexity. Finally, after exploring the life and figure of Mr Jouvin de Rochefort, the conclusion is that it was not possible to build the author's biography. Therefore, there are still a number of blanks of this singular personality to be filled. The greatest satisfaction upon completion of this dissertation would be to have paved the way somehow for future researchers along this line of research on the vast works of Mr Albert Jouvin de Rochefort.