La recepción de Teoría King Kong, de Virginie Despentes, en Españaclubs de lectura y emancipación en la era post #MeToo
- 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)
- Peñamarín, Cristina (coord.)
- Amman, Beatriz (coord.)
- Parra, Elizabeth (coord.)
- Boria, Adriana (col.)
ISSN: 1578-4223
Year of publication: 2022
Issue Title: Semiosis y feminismos. Teorías feministas y del discurso = Semiosis and feminisms. Feminist and discourse theories
Issue: 36
Pages: 219-235
Type: Article
More publications in: DeSignis: Publicación de la Federación Latinoamericana de Semiótica ( FELS )
In the context of the so called #MeToo era, this article endeavours to explore how King Kong Theory, by French author Virginie Despentes, one of the most read and discussed recent books on feminism, has been received in Spain. This will be done by studying, on the one hand, how the text was covered by Spanish media, and on the other hand, and mainly, by analyzing a series of book clubs which took place in Madrid in 2018 and 2019. The most debated issues such as sexual violence and prostitution will be analyzed, as well as the readers’ reaction in relation to previous ideological and emotional repertories. The objective is thus to understand how texts such as King Kong Theory work both as cause and effect of feminist agendas, which have now become public problems (Cefaï, 2016).
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