Literatura francesa de viajes y códigod QR. Espacios culturales, espacios interculturales.

  1. Vicens Pujol, Carlota 1
  1. 1 Universitat de les Illes Balears

    Universitat de les Illes Balears

    Palma, España


Anales de filología francesa

ISSN: 0213-2958

Year of publication: 2021

Issue Title: Le monde connecté et les approches interculturelles: vers un nouveau paradigme des frontières?

Issue: 29

Pages: 521-537

Type: Article


More publications in: Anales de filología francesa


Since the end of the 19th century, both travelogues and the classic hard copies of both travelogues and the classic tourist guidebooks have given pride of place to an encounter with the Other, that is, to alterity/interculturality. However, both groups find one of their main characteristics lies in intertextuality. If the Industrial Revolution signified new ways of traveling and a before and after in man’s relationship with time and space, this second revolution, marked by information technologies, has also had a resounding impact on the tourism industry. Both revolutions have represented a before and after in the conception of Guidebooks, which from being general, have gone on to become, on many occasions, thematic; from hard copies to becoming complex Smartphone applications.  The present study aims to analyse literary citation inserted in what we shall call QR Guidebooks focused on cultural tourism, specifically literary tourism. More precisely, we will see which texts, from which French writers have been chosen to be part of the application “WoW Mallorca Literaria”, launched in 2016 by the Consell Insular de Mallorca with the aim of making known the literary heritage of the island. The digital guidebook signifies a break with the linearity and sequentiality of a text that the traveller composes and decomposes at will , which affects the ultimate sense thereof. In the same way, literary citation ‘circulates’ at the traveller’s whim and is subject to the continuous and rapid changes of the digital universe, which, among other things, entails a change in the material medium. Bearers in themselves of meaning, we wonder whether the different media modify the ultimate meaning of the quote. As far as alterity is concerned, what image of the other and of oneself are offered by quotes which, let us not forget, have been selected in advance? To what extent do they contribute to a new relationship between man and space? Are we in the field of culture, of interculturality, on the border between the two concepts? Several studies on citation, as well as on discursive affordances, will form the basis of this work.

Bibliographic References

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