BADAREunha ferramenta de traballo na paremioloxía meteorolóxica e do calendario na Romania

  1. Río Corbacho, María Pilar
Cadernos de fraseoloxía galega
  1. Ferro Ruibal, Xesús (dir.)

ISSN: 1698-7861

Datum der Publikation: 2009

Nummer: 11

Seiten: 173-190

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Cadernos de fraseoloxía galega


BADARE is a database that compiles meteorological and calendar proverbs of Romania area in 34 languages. There, apart from presenting its own entry, is analyzed from four points of view: chronology, meteorology, general subject matter and source from which it was taken. Taking as a basis the wide paremiological flow of BADARE (8646 entries), we will try to study the phenomenon of the rainbow in the proverbs of the Romania area. Our goal is some of the utilities of this database