De algunas noticias de España en la prensa francesa "que Napoleón n'aimait pas" (1804-1805 y 1808)
ISSN: 0213-2958
Argitalpen urtea: 2008
Zenbakien izenburua: 1808
Zenbakia: 16
Orrialdeak: 155-172
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Anales de filología francesa
The current work deals with Spain-related pieces of news published in two different papers. Both pieces offer information that could be described as uncomfortable for Napoleon Bonaparte. From La Revue ou Décade Philosophique we cover all references published between Oct 2 1804 and Sept 17 1805, the year when the Emperor initiated the European campaigns; and from the counter-revolutionary paper L�Ambigu, we deal with news dating between July 10-30 1808, which bear a especially relevant signifi cance for the Battle of Bailen in the Spanish War