Paul Eluard y España.

  1. Gómez Angel, Brisa
Supervised by:
  1. Elena Real Ramos Director

Defence university: Universitat de València

Fecha de defensa: 15 November 2007

  1. José Ignacio Velázquez Ezquerra Chair
  2. Evelio Miñano Martínez Secretary
  3. Ana María Gimeno Sanz Committee member
  4. Diego Sanz Rosa De Committee member
  5. Ana Monleón Domínguez Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 132178 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


This doctoral thesis presents the study of a collection of poetic texts by Paul Eluard selected according to their relevance with respect to Spain. The interaction between the poet and Spain is illustrated by an in-depth analysis of the poetic text and the veracity of the poets experiences and of the historical events narrated is then further corroborated by biographical and historical data. The textual corpus consists of poems ranging from 1924s book 9 Mourir de ne pas mourir, to political poems included in book 86 such as Espagne, En Espagne, and Vencer juntos. Eluards poetic sense has been approached from the three-fold perspective of rethoric, poetics and semio-linguistics. This study reveals writings born out of a sharp expressive impulse that succeeded in capturing his longing for Spain. Eluards poetry reflects specific traits of baroque reminiscences combined with an imaginative technique embodied by a personal surrealism with Picassian influences.