Los marcadores temporalesun estudio contrastivo francés-español

  1. Micó Romero, Noelia
unter der Leitung von:
  1. María Amparo Olivares Pardo Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universitat de València

Fecha de defensa: 14 von Dezember von 2006

  1. A. Emma Sopeña Balordi Sekretär/in
  2. Anne-Marie Laurian Vocal
  3. Mercedes Tricás Preckler Vocal
  4. Salvador Pons Bordería Vocal

Art: Dissertation

Teseo: 132238 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


The aim of this doctoral thesis is to examine the use of temporal markers, temporal adverbs and discourse markers, in specialised texts (sociologic essays) from a pragmatic perspective. These markers play an important role in the characterization of the essays as specialized texts. As a matter of fact, these markers provide the texts with an argumentative strength, being the discussion presented in a coherent manner. In this line of research, we have studied the uses of déjà, encore, toujours, jamais ,and alors among others, extracted from La défaite de la pensée of A. Fienkielkraut, Laprès-socialisme de A. Touraine, Histoire de la folie à lâge classique de M. Foucault and Paraboles et catastrophes de R. Thom. We have choiced theses markers because they present dificulties in the traduction exercise. Actually, temporal markers are polisemic and can be ambiguous in translations. It is the reason why we have decided to study the temporal markers from a contrastive perspective (french / spanish) to compare the two sistems and apreciate the differencies between them. We explain the polisemic character of the temporal markers thanks to the radial conception of the marker category from the cognitive perspective of Sperber & Wilson. Temporal markers have nuclear or central senses (that are temporal ones) and peripheric senses (that can be argumentative, as the concession).