Terminología azucarera canaria en Américael inventario del ingenio de Hernando Gorjón

  1. Cristóbal Corrales 1
  2. Dolores Corbella Díaz
  1. 1 Universidad de La Laguna (España)
La ruta azucarera atlántica: Historia y documentación
  1. Ana Viña (ed. lit.)
  2. Dolores Corbella (ed. lit.)

Publisher: Centro de Estudios de História do Atlântico

ISBN: 978-972-8263-91-1

Year of publication: 2012

Pages: 80-100

Type: Book chapter


The analysis of the inventory of the possessions of Hernando Gorjón (1547), the owner of one of the 8rst sugar re8neries at La Española, reveals the use of a terminology quite similar to that which can be found in documents concerning its contemporary sugar plantations in the Canary Islands. 7e study of these «sweet terms» on both sides of the Atlantic is of relevance to establish their origin and the route they followed across the Atlantic.