El refranero hoy

  1. Julia Sevilla Muñoz

ISSN: 2172-1068

Argitalpen urtea: 2018

Zenbakia: 27

Orrialdeak: 201-208

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Paremia


Compilation and study of proverbs and other popular paremias still used nowadays and remembered by a Colombian informant, a woman born in 1972 in Bogota, in the capital. This informant has compiled sayings from her family and two friends. The formal, thematic and pragmatic analysis of paremiographical material brings relevant information to the study of Colombian paremiology and its comparison with the paremias of the Hispanic world or other languages, in order to study very diverse issues, such as lexical variants, cultural similarities and differences or the paremiological competence. Given the ongoing loss of paremiological competence and the interest of specialists and young researchers in this discipline, the collected material constitutes a linguistic treasure and a great help for the paremiological investigation in Colombia and in the Hispanic world, particularly for the database of proverbs of the Cervantes Virtual Centre (Cervantes Institute) named Refranero multilingüe [Multilingual Proverb Collection]