Lo profano y lo sagrado en el proceso de creación dramatúrgica del actor a partir del personaje de María Magdalena. Interrelación entre teoría y praxis escénica

  1. Martins Lucas, Elisa
Dirigée par:
  1. María Concepción Pérez Pérez Directrice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Sevilla

Fecha de defensa: 27 janvier 2016

  1. Juan Bravo Castillo President
  2. Mercedes Comellas Secrétaire
  3. Juan Montero Delgado Rapporteur
  4. José-María Paz-Gago Rapporteur
  5. María Luisa Guerrero Alonso Rapporteur

Type: Thèses

Teseo: 394678 DIALNET lock_openIdus editor


This work is an investigation of theoretical and practical nature which tries to systematize the "process of dramaturgical creation of the actor", a term which was coined by the author in previous research in 2003, and which has not been used by any other researcher so far with the same approach. This term refers to the processes of creation in which the actor also acts as an author, interfering with the dramaturgical creation of the work. The theoretical and methodological formalization of the study is carried out through complementary activities. The fundamental empirical investigation consists in an experiment to create and perform an original dramaturgy, which focuses the sacred and the profane on the female figure arising from the biblical character of Mary Magdalene. Since the actor's work is eminently practical, the experiment presents itself as fundamental in the study, which proposes the interrelation between practice and theory, so that the practice can contribute to the production of knowledge in the field of theater. Therefore, the author draws on the theory and practice of renowned theatrical professionals such as Eugenio Barba, Jerzy Grotowiski, Roberta Carreri and Renato Ferracini, among other contemporary creators (actors, directors, actors / playwrights, directors / playwrights and researchers). Based on her own work as actress / playwright, the author mixes different methodologies of scenic praxis to structure a methodological proposal of the process of dramaturgical creation of the actor, and then performs the experiment that carries out all the stages of the process. The originality of this thesis lies on the fact that it combines different theories around the process of creation, in which the actor also acts as author, which are added to the scenic praxis, thus a methodology of the process is systematized. The work is profusely illustrated and all the methodological approaches have been duly documented by abundant specialized bibliography.