Construcciones participiales y adjetivas atributivas expandidas de la lengua alemana y su problemática para los traductores de español como lengua materna

  1. Cases Berbel, Elke
Supervised by:
  1. Carlos Fortea Director
  2. Julia Sevilla Muñoz Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 17 September 2018

  1. Mª Jesús Gil Valdés Chair
  2. Paloma Sánchez Hernández Secretary
  3. Ingrid Cáceres Würsig Committee member
  4. María Ángeles Recio Ariza Committee member
  5. Astrid Schmidhofer Committee member

Type: Thesis


This doctoral thesis has an interdisciplinary nature, since it can be framed in linguistics, language teaching and Translation Studies. The dissertation aims to study the Extended Attributive Participial and Adjective Constructions (EAPACs) of the German language. After analyzing the different methodological teaching movements for teaching German as a second language and searching for their inclusion of the the EAPACs, we conducted a research using different items to observe how these constructions are treated in different grammars and teaching methods (eight grammars for German speakers, seven for Spanish speakers, one contrastive grammar and 21 teaching methods).Subsequently, we studied the EAPACs in three different specialized languages: legal language, literary language and journalese. By extracting the EAPACs from different corpora, we have analyzed the use and, therefore, the importance of this construction in modern German...