Binomios fraseológicos en el italiano contemporáneo

Dirigée par:
  1. Maria Antonella Sardelli Directeur/trice
  2. Julia Sevilla Muñoz Directrice

Université de défendre: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 26 novembre 2015

  1. Fernando García Romero President
  2. María Pilar Blanco García Secrétaire
  3. Manuel Martí Sánchez Rapporteur
  4. Irene Romera Pintor Rapporteur
  5. Julia Nikoláeva Rapporteur

Type: Thèses


This Doctoral Dissertation, entitled Binomios fraseológicos en el italiano contemporáneo (Phraseological Binomials in Contemporary Italian), aims to describe a specific phraseological category, the binomial in Italian, which is a syntactic structure found in a number of languages: - English: odds and ends, wait and see, - German: kurz und bündig, Lug ung Trug, - French: sain et sauf, sans rime ni raison, - Spanish: mondo y lirondo, tirios y troyanos, - Italian: felice e contento, a torto o a ragione. The binomial phenomenon has been the subject of several studies, especially in the field of English and German phraseology, whereas in the Romance languages, including Italian, it has yet not received enough attention. This situation merely reflects the general state of Italian phraseology, which has not managed to emancipate and develop as a separate linguistic branch so far. Hence, our research is two objectives: on the one hand, it aims to provide the most detailed description of a phenomenon poorly explored in the Italian language; on the other hand, it addresses the lack of investigation in the field of Italian phraseology. The dissertation is divided into two parts: the first part, in which the theoretical foundations are found, is the basis for the analytical and empirical analysis which will be undertaken in the following section...